My uncle, Wilf McAninly arrived in Stalag VIIIB on 14 June 1940 – interestingly, the day after he was listed missing in the Sunderland Echo. He was transferred to Stalag Luft III “verwundet” on 20 April 1943, then transferred “gesund” from Stalag Luft III to Stalag VIIIC on 29 July 1944 and then to Stalag […]
Smith, Charlie
My Dad, Charlie Smith, 6895456 Rifleman, joined the Queen Victoria Rifles Territorial Army ‘D’ Company in 1936. Consequently, at the outbreak of the Second World War in September 1939, he was called up immediately. He went for further training in Kent before being sent to Dunkirk on Wednesday, 29th May, 1940. During late afternoon, on […]
Keel, Edward
I am afraid I know very little of my uncle, Edward Keel’s experiences at Stalag VIIIB – he spoke little of it, although it was clear to all the family afterwards that what he witnessed deeply affected him for the rest of his life. I don’t even know his army company detail – although maybe […]
RSM Sherriff, Sydney
From Arthur Evans, author of Sojourn in Silesia To the bewildered PoW, shortly after capture and entering Lamsdorf for the first time, the sight of the tall figure of RSM Sydney Sherriff was like a beacon of hope and stability in an otherwise alien and hostile enviroment. There was a man to whom one could […]
Jessup, Alan
My late father, Alan Jessup was held at Stalag VIIIB from June 1940, until he was repatriated in October 1943. He was captured at Hazebrouck on May 28th 1940, en route to Dunkirk and I believe was marched most of the way to the camp in Poland. Like so many men, he spoke little about […]