Wilkinson, Robert

Robert Wilkinson, of 6th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders at Lamsdorf from 1940 – 1945.  Forced onto The Long March ending up in Stalag VIIa, just north of Moosburg in Southern Bavaria.  He apparently kept a diary of the march in short snippets. Kimberly Ragousis who has shared this information has given us permission to share some very clear and labelled photos.  An opportunity for others to see if there is anyone they recognise.

Update:  Kimberly has very kindly sent me more information, or a clarity of information, including a list of all those in the photos below.  At then end of this post, I shall add the list.

Received: May 2014
From: Kimberly Ragousis
On behalf of: Robert Wilkinson

Laband E80 1940-43'. I understand that E80 was probably one of the working parties at the camp.

Laband E80 1940-43′. Musical theatre group. I understand that E80 was probably one of the working parties at the camp.

The Stage

The Stage



kimberly 3

The labels from the right hand photo.  A better photo for reading.

The labels from the right hand photo. A better photo for reading. All I need now is a profile photo of Robert.   Robert Wilkinson’s Photos Left Hand Photo   J. Jardine (R. A) F. Last (RHA) N. Malham (Hamps) Sgt Barry A. Hindle (Camerons) J. Mulligan (Mans) A. Cairns (R. A.) J. Miles (N/Hants) J Howard (Norfolks) J. Gilogly (Cheshires) A Shivers (seaforths) S. Jones (RHA) J. Shivers (Seaforths) G. Williamson (Cheshires) F. Aldread (DLI) J. Richardson (R. A.) J. Morris (R. E.) A. Turner (R. E.) G. Smith (AMPC) Auxiliary Military Pioneer Corps R. Whatmuff (Yorks and Lancs) H. Lambert (W. Kents) F. Talbot (R.A.) C. Postins (T.C.) H. Aviss (R.M.R.E) G. Pope (R.B) R. King (Ox & Berks) G. Peacock (Ox & Bucks) J. Cardish (R.E.) R. Wilkinson (A. &S.H.) M. Collins (R.B.) L. Duggan (R.M.R.E) T. Evans (A. &S.H.)   Right hand Photo J. Harkins (R.C.O.S) J McCallum (R.C.O.S) J. O’Neill (R.C.O.S) H. Grew (Mans) J. Tudor (Cheshire) S. Dodsley (.L.I) A. Spokes (Ox & Bucks) B. Barnes (Buffs) Sgt Barry (Loyals) J. London (R. A.) H. Downing (R.A.S.C) A. Poole (Glous) H. Swinscoe (Mans) T. Blackwood (Camerons) H. McKenzie (Seaforths) J. Tomsett (R.E.) C. McGregor (Black Watch)

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