I was a Troop Sergeant Major in the 1st Lothians & Border Yeomanry, Royal Armoured Corps of the 51st Highland Division and was wounded on 10 June 1940 at Cany Barville and taken prisoner two days later at St Valery. I was then shuttled between various hospitals in France, including Forges-Les -Eaux, Hopital D’Ernemont in Rouen, Val De Grace – Hopital Militaire in Paris, Creteil – Hopital Civile, Paris and Hopital Militaire Begin – St. Mande, Paris. Then, in February 1941, I was moved to Badsulza – KGF No. 33126, then Reserve Lazaret – Schleiz and then Reserve Lazeret – Obermassfeld until October 1941.
Between October 1941 and February 1942, I was in Heilag – Rouen, and then I was moved to Stalag VIIIB, Lamsdorf. I was at Lamsdorf until October 1943, when I was repatriated through Gothenberg, Sweden. I would very much like to hear from anyone who remembers me.
Received: December 2004
From: James McCall Hogarth
Hello James.
i sincerely hopes that this finds you in good health.
I was wondering if you remembered my Father, Cpl Bob Peden, who was in the same regiment as yourself. He was also captured at St Valery and, ove rthe spoace of a few weeks, was taken to StalagVIIIb.344. He told me that he became a Trusty, having found German easy to learn and translated so the officers could communicate.
Sincerely yours,
Ian Peden.